Generally, every year when I write exhorting people to abandon the archaic ways of Valentine’s Day for Meat Week I often use the same arguments everyone else does. Meat Week isn’t special in that its a replacement for V-Day, there are plenty of anti-Valentine parties held by bitter, lonely singles. Emo college kids writing terrible newspaper articles outline the same tired material: Valentine’s is attacked as a day of separating the have’s from the have-not’s. It’s labeled as being little more than Hallmark and Big Chocolate’s own personal advertisement. The essence of Valentine’s Day may have been indeed grand, yet corporations have replaced the flesh of Valentine’s Day with the cold steel and circuitry of materialism and consumerism. Valentine’s Day and Christmas are now desperately trying to warn Easter, lest it too be assimilated into the Borg.
Yes, we all know any day with real meaning has been kidnapped by boardroom’s realizing holiday’s are the perfect viral marketing campaign. I’m not going to sit here and tell you what you already know. If you want to hear about Valentine’s Day singling out the singles then we can go up to my room and I’ll strum some Dashboard for you. What I want you to understand why you should free yourself from what's expected from you is that Meat Week is actually enjoyable.
What? You’re waiting for me to stop babbling so you can find out how to celebrate this festival of festivals? Fine, I’ll let you in on the know.
Day 1 (Feb 10): Links (brats, hotdogs, etc.)
Day 2 (Feb 11): Grounded (hamburger, ground venison, etc.)
Day 3 (Feb 12): Fowl (chicken, game hens, etc.)
Day 4 (Feb 13): Pork (pork, etc.)
Day 5 (Feb 14): Steak (beef, lamb, etc.)
Its really quite simple, you just gather your friends round and grill the selected type of meat. After that many people choose to play games, wear construction paper crowns, or drink heavily. Try out some chair jousting, sled down the stairs, play foosball, make up some ridiculous game, the purpose of the week is for stress-free enjoyment. Girls have been allowed to participate in Meat Week as decided by the first Meat Week counsel. Disgustingly affectionate couples are banned, and should be persecuted. A tip to first timers though, Meat Week is supposed to have its crescendo on Day 5. So don’t have so much fun on Day 1 you're out of commission for the rest of the week. Its about community, and there can’t be much community if everyone is cursing death from fleeing from them.
Have the best Meat Week ever!