easily amused

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

motherfucking george washington

Yeah.. so.. this is pretty badass if you've not seen it before.

big weird update soon.. dildos and shit.

Friday, August 18, 2006


ok so i know you specified that it should walk on its hind legs, but this was the best i could do. he's only a kitten so, yeah, maybe he'll learn. have an amusing birthday...or something.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

this morning

I got retarded drunk last night, 8th day in a row.. my second to last ex is confusing me, and therefore frustrating steve.. anyway.. this is my roommate pete and I's convo regarding this morning.

(13:42:13) Seikel 10: why is your cousin here?
(13:42:19) Seikel 10: how is he getting to the house?
(13:57:39) +19189312311: My sister is dropping him off. He visits a few times a year.
(13:58:06) Seikel 10: is he going to get drunk?
(14:00:03) +19189312311: That should be a requirement to visit our house.
(14:01:48) Seikel 10: you'd have to move out
(14:06:10) +19189312311: Yep
(14:08:21) Seikel 10: i masterbated too much in the last 24 hours and now im sad
(14:08:37) Seikel 10: alll layin' in bed and shit, wank wank wank, wank wank wank,
(14:08:40) Seikel 10: wank wank wank
(14:09:30) +19189312311: Were you when I came in your room this morning? GROSS.
(14:09:51) Seikel 10: you came in my room?
(14:10:12) Seikel 10: was I nakie?
(14:17:10) +19189312311: nakie is the grossest word EVER. You had a blanket over most of you. ...except your weiner.
(14:17:50) Seikel 10: why were you peering in my room? was my weiner flacid/chub/halfhard/hard?
(14:20:31) +19189312311: It looked hard but was the size of a flacid weiner. I was confused.
(14:21:16) Seikel 10: lies. but I have been abusing the guy.. all make'n weiner gravy all fall down drunk, employing the principles of a dry session. but i'm done till my birthday, when I plan on gett'n him wet.
(14:22:51) +19189312311: ...I didn't really see your weiner. But GROSS.
(14:23:30) Seikel 10: jessica measured a 7.2' after gett'n him real buttered up, from the top, cheaters measure from the balls
(14:23:58) Seikel 10: geise has a huge weiner, all 10 inches and shit.. its like a fucking eggplant
(14:24:28) Seikel 10: gett'n ready for the worst game ever
(14:26:20) +19189312311: Our weiners are the same. Cept mine is bent to the left from chronic masturbation. Worst game?
(14:26:54) Seikel 10: WGE, you have to match the wang to the face, remember?
(14:28:03) +19189312311: I will have no part in that game.

I kinda grossed myself out re-reading this.. I should publish a book of my instant messages.. i'd read it.

Friday, August 11, 2006

okokok, oh kay.

just a brief thingy.. i want you guys to know I love achewood.. i have for a long time.. but I'm ready to let the world know. here's some supplemental material.




http://chrisonstad.blogspot.com/ the author


If you know about achewood, its old news.. but if for some reason you dont, and your reading this, i want to be your friend.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


So i've been all busy and shit, and many adventures have been had.. too much for a blog. so here's just what I am doing at this very moment. So last night, a party formed at steves house, fun fun, drinking vodka perrier, listening to yacht rock, wearing captains hats. So we all get sauced and decide to go to the bar, hooray! bar. people that I thought didnt like me, decided to be real friendly to me.. but then i went to the bathroom and GONE everyones gone. so these dudes invite me back to a party, and i'm gonna ride with this girl.. who is kissing me on the neck and shit, and I really really dont want her to, she's anti-awesome. somehow people think its more appropriate to kiss someone on the neck than the cheek.. anyway, she fucking runs the fuck off, and i have to ride with this older indian dude.. weird. but I get to the party and its all 18 year old college freshmen, I show them how to bong beers, unsuccessfully hit on some girls. I talk to this black dude about religion and it goes really well, which never seems to happen, because I dont believe in god and the like, but we had a good talk. I walk to a friends house at 4 in the morning with that bong, eat her food and she drives me home, for some retarded reason I smoked pot and my roommate found me face down in the living room in my panties. i dont remember what happened between 4am and 7am.. not much i assume.

my grandmother is planning some big production for my birthday, i've never had a celebration for my birthday. ever. and she wants to do it on my actual birthday. curious.

so i want a cat that walks on his hind legs and drinks tiny martini's. please get that for me for my birthday. please. look at my books section of my profile, i want that. that thing in the picture there. achewood style.

so last night, i came up with this new game WGE. when someone new is around, they ahve to play WGE. Last night, my friend nathan had this nice SLR digital camera, and my friends and I were going to the bathroom and taking pictures of our dicks, and now we're gonna put our faces above the wangs, and you have to match the face with the wang. worst game ever.

today i was at the gun store, and the schwans lady was in there and i was all, "laaaaaaaddddyyyyy do you have those orange push up pop things?" and she did so i bought 24 orange pushems. mmmmmmmm.

my friend was at the bar last night, she IM'd me this.

(15:29:04) leahs1929: i threw up last night
(15:29:09) leahs1929: in camerons sink
(15:29:16) leahs1929: he threw up in a trash can at the bar
(15:29:40) leahs1929: i'm now suffering from seikelitis

its fun to be my friend. like this girl

(16:19:14) seikel: i need something for the wank bank
(16:19:24) kimberly5883: well, i'm sorry.
(16:19:29) seikel: :(
(16:19:41) seikel: wank.
(16:19:42) seikel: bank.
(16:19:44) kimberly5883: just look at that picture you took of your penis.
(16:19:47) kimberly5883: that should suffice.

i had chilequilas for lunch. mmmmmmmmmm.