easily amused

Monday, February 26, 2007

I have become Death....

Thats a paraphrased line from the Bhagavad Gita (not a Greek reference SB), but I digress. Anyway, last night Im checking my OU email and notice one of their rotating stories is a humor article written in condemning an OK rep's withdrawn proposal to force every girl in the state to get the HPV vaccine. Normally I don't bother commenting on anything since its the definition of pointless, but this time I was so pissed at the retarded "humorous" reasoning I had to write in. I pointed out the article's glaring flaws, which amounted to idiot Xian bashing, while he missed the boat on civil liberty. I also took a kill shot saying he by extension probably supports Bushs' domestic security policies. To an arrogant college liberal, this is like throwing water on the Wicked Witch of the West.

When I checked back today to see if my comment had been approved I found the entire article had vanished into the ether of the internet. Did I make them cry so bad they retracted it? Or did they decide the article wasn't good anyway? I choose you former!

I guess we finally updated to the new blogger? fancy.
Anyone have an opinion on mandatory HPV vaccine?

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At 6:34 AM, Blogger kari said...

Normally you would think I would have a strong opinion about the mandatory HPV vaccine. While I think it's a good idea to make it mandatory since it would almost entirely get rid of cervical cancer, I don't think people's intentions are towards public health when it comes to this. They're more concerned about their stock in the company supplying the vaccine.

At 9:32 AM, Blogger wildfreehorse said...

Bingo, I forget who the company is, but they are the sole owner of this vaccine. When youre product applies to half the population, and they now HAVE to have it, youre going to see some serious cash that'll make the anti-depression pill money look third world.

At 3:17 PM, Blogger alison said...

its merck (sp?) that is peddling their vaccine to politicians all over the place. from what i've heard (quite a bit since rick perry tried to make all 6th grade texan girls get it) there's not enough info on side effects and future effects to trust it just yet. i don't want it, even after a (quite mild) run-in with cervical cancer myself. and from what i understand about cervical cancer, yearly exams are a pretty great defense on their own. right, kari?

At 3:18 PM, Blogger alison said...

oh yeah, and blogger MADE me update to new blogger or else i couldn't log in anymore. i don't like being told what to do, but oh well. now it keeps telling me my password is wrong. sigh.

At 4:09 PM, Blogger S. Seikel said...

Isn't the HPV vaccine mighty new? I mean the first one was approved last year. My girlfriend wont get it because of that reason alone. I have had two girlfriends with HPV, and in one it created severe dysplasia of the cervix, which fully developed within a year. she had t have surgery and shit. No fun. And there isn't a test for males. There are three shots males can get, one right away, then after 2 months, then after 6 months. its about 350 dollars. Even then, the vaccine isn't guaranteed to rid of the over 100 types of HPV that float around out there.

If they could make it affordable (would it be free if they made it mandatory?) it could be a good idea. I mean, there's just no way to enforce it, so if you wanted it wouldn't the product be easier to obtain? Mandatory just sounds threatening.

At 7:55 PM, Blogger wildfreehorse said...

I think everyone had the same reaction the HPV Mandatory idea. First off its good news that there is a newly created vaccine. Then that feeling leaves when they also want to force you to get this new vaccine. It may well be valid (& no long term side effects), but you should read Overdosed America.

At 7:19 AM, Blogger kari said...

It is true that the HPV vaccine only protects against 4 strains of HPV, the ones that cause cervical cancer. But, the ones that cause cervical cancer aren't necessarily the same strains that cause the actual warts. So, you could get the vaccine but still contract HPV. And do you know what else sucks? Condoms don't always protect against the spread of HPV because it's about skin to skin contact as well as the exchange of fluids. Note to self: don't actually touch the person you're having sex with.

It is a relatively new vaccine, coming out in June of 2006. But, it's not like they haven't been working on it for a long time. It is a big concern in our population because most people have it, whether they know it or not. And Alison you are correct, getting your yearly pap test is a great way to check for cervical cancer. Unfortunately, a lot of women do not get their yearly pap test, believe it or not.

I also agree with Steve. Making it mandatory makes no sense when you have to spend between $250 and $500 in order to get the vaccine. And, you cannot get the vaccine if you are over the age of 26 because they figure you already have it.

Wow, can you tell I used to work for Planned Parenthood?

At 12:32 PM, Blogger S. Seikel said...

What? So I'm screwed on getting the male vaccine? thats bullshit. Why is it so widespread?

Wonder if the cherokee nation will pay for mine. I'll just tell them I'm still a virgin.

At 12:11 PM, Blogger cvr said...

Since everyone agrees that it shouldn't be required, how about this: suppose it is proven that people are more likely to be vaccinated when one has to "opt out," as opposed to "opting in." Since we all agree the vaccine is a good thing, why can't we require it, but then let people opt out for essentially any reason, particularly when we know that more people will take it rather than opt out?


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