easily amused

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

My Weekend

Via another humor website I visit I wandered onto a Havard girls sex blog. It got me wondering...what if I turned my weekend into such a blog?

Actual weekend: Nothing happens. Except I should mention I found out my new blanket is so static prone that at night I can run my hand under it and watch sparks flash. Entertainment concerns have been fixed for the next few months.

Revised weekend to gain internet fame:

Thursday: Deciding to take a break from school reading and law school applications I decide to actually leave the house. After a discussion of where to go, we ended up at a new place called “Blu”. I make sure we end up there as its the place where there’s an overly friendly, and super hot bar maid. I don’t remember anything that exciting happening, but I did wake up with a wooden coin in my pocket beckoning me to play pool, and the bar girls number. Aside from some good convo, I also found its now become a running joke between Jumpy & Miyuki of how long I can go without bringing up a certain battle between the Greeks and Persians. Apparently my record is 5 minutes.

Lesson learned: I need to replace the Six Days War and Spartans with new historical examples so people will want to kill me less.

Friday: Since I went to bed around 4am the night, or morning before, I wake up late and strangely hungover. I scramble to prepare the house for the reunion party for everyone that went to Jordan. I got Jumpy to help me cook the Arab food I’m going to make. Of note, Jumpy can’t stand raw chicken (he’s a neat freak) and I offer him a valentine (the chicken heart) as a hilarious joke when I’m chopping up a whole one for a thing called mansaaf. He doesnt think its as funny. The party largely sucks since its apparent we only all got along in Jordan since we slightly liked each other more than the scary Arabs. The Wii actually not only saves the party but carries like Atlas.

Lesson learned: Just becuase your in Asia doesn’t mean 1) youre actually friends, and 2) the girls you made-out with in Jordan were only attractive due to Camp Syndrome.

Saturday: It seems like its going to be a normal night, yet then I actually get a hold of the a fore mentioned super hot barmaid at Blu, Natalie. After we meet up where people are playing pool I forgo my disgust of being sick of Wii to invite her back for some tennis. Things go nicely as the night passes from late to early morning, and I get to touch boobs that should be encased in gold. (This touches into a story Im concocting about the Wii).

Lesson learned: A terrible weekend can be saved by a awe inspiring rack.

Sunday: Suspect I shouldn’t try my luck as the rest of the weekend probably turned out way better than it should have. Make plans for the next week.

Lesson learned: K-Fed’s rap in that one commercial sounds like any other rap. Music industry should be ashamed, if it had any morals.


At 2:01 PM, Blogger kari said...

My weekend was super sweet! GO COLTS!

At 10:52 PM, Blogger S. Seikel said...

im experiencing that phenomenon where when you get a new girlfriend you get tons of vagina offered by every girl that gave you a second look. thanks, new girlfriend, its almost worth breaking up with you to bone one of the most attractive asians (not the FOB kind) with the best laugh ever. thanks.

Oh, and I made this drink called hobo's delight.

its not very good.

And meat week starts today right? where's that article chris?

At 11:00 PM, Blogger wildfreehorse said...

first things first SB, we all know youre a well of stories....so where have they been? Im clogging team easily's arteries with fast food crap just to pretend Im still in a blog ring.

Second, and almost as important: if theres some hot asian running around needing attention, point her my way.

and third: yeah Meat Week starts soon, actually in 3 days. Somehow it always catches me off guard as with planning & such. I'll get on offering my annual article.

You get on talking me up to the Orientals.

At 11:05 AM, Blogger S. Seikel said...

are you in tahlequah? I have befriended all of the asian crew, somehow (with beer), and have their phone numbers galore. Yuki, the ring leader, is gonna throw a party for the entire clan at my house this weekend I believe. Ungodly hot. and there are only a few from japan that are actually above an 8.

I'll post my adventures. sorry. (head down)


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