easily amused

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

John Edwards for Pirate King! No wait... I meant President

I have Greco-Turko stories to tell, but I had to run immediately back up to Norman for important business. Re-establish relationships with friends, play croquet, blah blah blah. My dear garden I planted at my friends house turned out to need me more than I ever thought. Since Jumpy was gone on business for two weeks in New Orleans, Miyuki took on the task of...doing nothing. So the part that hadn't been planted turned into a lush alfalfa manure fertilized grassy knoll.

But anyway, this story is about how presidential hopeful John Edwards apparently has a stake in a treasure hunting company. Recently this company found a treasure of FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS.

Why be president when you could start up a successful pirate empire in the Caribbean?
The most youthful, glowing pirate ever to sail the seas...

*since everyone thinks Jumpy & Miyuki are fake names anyway, they dont need a name change.

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