easily amused

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

John Edwards for Pirate King! No wait... I meant President

I have Greco-Turko stories to tell, but I had to run immediately back up to Norman for important business. Re-establish relationships with friends, play croquet, blah blah blah. My dear garden I planted at my friends house turned out to need me more than I ever thought. Since Jumpy was gone on business for two weeks in New Orleans, Miyuki took on the task of...doing nothing. So the part that hadn't been planted turned into a lush alfalfa manure fertilized grassy knoll.

But anyway, this story is about how presidential hopeful John Edwards apparently has a stake in a treasure hunting company. Recently this company found a treasure of FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS.

Why be president when you could start up a successful pirate empire in the Caribbean?
The most youthful, glowing pirate ever to sail the seas...

*since everyone thinks Jumpy & Miyuki are fake names anyway, they dont need a name change.

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Viva Las Vegas

This past weekend, I was in Las Vegas. I had never been there before, and was invited to a wedding for a friend from high school. So I flew out on Thursday, and the festivities started.

Thursday night was the bachelorette party, which was ridiculously expensive for not having any strippers. I'm just not used to spending a hundred bucks for dinner, call me cheap. Anyhoo, the evening consisted of dinner, drinks, and dancing. All good fun.

On Friday, there was a Texas Hold 'Em tournament for people invited to the wedding. All in all, I think 20 people participated in this event. And I beat each and every one of them, giving me a cool 300 bucks. The next night, I went to a poker room to see if I was still lucky. I bought $100 worth of chips and sat down at a table. Of course, every person was male, so they immediately looked at me and thought, "Here's some easy money." I was patient, and took them for $450.

Then on my way home, my flight got bumped and so I received a $400 travel voucher. So basically, I got paid to go on vacation, and paid for another flight. Maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket.

Oh yeah, the wedding was nice too.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Higher learning

So at the end of my library stay, I had left my shanty I constructed in the Decks to make a phone call. Waiting on the call back near the doors I heard the buzzers go off. I immediately looked up to see who was stealing what book. The guy was called back to see what on his person was setting off the alarms. As he approached he reached into the outside pocket of the bag and handed the desk guys a ...wait. Thats not a book? Thats a magazine.

By the way, did you know OU has a subscription to Play Boy? They do. You just have to ask for it, its under the Periodical Desk.

So the guy was trying to walk out with one of said pornographic government bought publications.

I can't decide if it was:
1) Pathetic to try to steal porn from a library, or
2) Retarded to not expect the mag to be tagged, which it obviously was

I'm sure this is going to be the funniest thing I'll ever see in a library. And everyone said sex in the library is a myth.

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