The Simpsons and College Football
This is one of the greatest things I've ever seen, comparing two things I love the most; college football and the Simpsons. Check it out!
This is one of the greatest things I've ever seen, comparing two things I love the most; college football and the Simpsons. Check it out!
So while some american girls joining sororities had to deal with rush and what to wear for date parties, everyone in Israel serves two years in the military. I dont think I would be pleased if I met one of these girls and they were typical of the women I know. Worse if they were Jewish (sarcasm).
so cvr's brother is graduating from high school this weekend, and we're having trouble deciding on a gift. please help us. which is funnier:
Oh, how I miss Mr. Rogers. Its amusing to see him almost singlehandedly saving pbs, but according to fred phelps, he is in hell. What can ya do?
Well, I should have read about how others have done it in the past, the steve seikel method just makes you horribly sick. I allowed myself water, coffee, tea, liquor, and perrier. bad fucking idea. After drinking a bottle of bourbon on an empty stomach for several nights, i threw up blood. hooray! I then started taking pain killers to make myself not feel like death, bad idea also. Now I have some kind of sickness and my throat is pretty sore. I dont feel well. just dont be me, and you'll be alright.
a mysterious box of muffins was lying on a table in the lounge. for public school teachers, finding strange, free, junk food, is not something that is passed upon. naturally, they began consuming the muffins. the magic muffins.
Where Do "Baby-Daddies" Come From?
Soooooooo I'm going to fast for 7 days. Fuck 10 like that lady did, and she actually just went on a fast, I think anorexia is more of a lifestyle. I've done 5 before, and it feels pretty good, you just have to get past day two, and you can float around for a while. I actually bought shit tons of food the other day too, so I suppose I'll cook for my roommate, for some reason if I cook for a long time I become not hungry. odd. Who's with me?
What I once thought was a well of creativity is now apparent to me as a desert of naught. No one can think up a religion? Not one of you? Shame. Shame on all of you.
Ah! I'm going white, i have like 5 white hairs in my eyebrows. .. um.. white's better than grey right? or bald. uhg.
apparently, talent is mostly a bunch of bullshit. unfortunately, now we have to work hard if we want to be good at something. but still, couldn't work ethic be a talent?
yesterday i saw a commercial for the new gillette fusion-- a five blade razor with two front and back strips. it reminded me of this onion article from a couple of years ago.
In my 'intro to religion' class the final, as was guessed, is too create our own religion. So Im seeing if anyone has any submissions. And no, 'awehyA' sending his son 'esusjA' to earth to save everyone doesnt count. Although it might count using 'momohammad'.
Hooray for chris by making an acceptible avenue for this post. After reading about lardo I was thinking of all the great food he was probobly eating. Mexico, in my opinion, has the fucking best street food in the world, or at least of the the places I frequent. Peru is okay with the civeche, and spain isnt bad, lots of seafood, but nowhere i've been beats mexico, specifically central mexico. For the record holland is the fucking worst.
not suprisingly, his performance didn't recieve rave reviews.
Steve has mentioned how some Mexicans arent off so bad as everyone would like to believe. I'm not sure how well this guy could party, but there may be a link to any food shortages that have occured near Monterey in the past few decades. He says he didn't know what happened to get so big, but when you get to the point of weighing the same as "five baby elephants" something was happening. Probably being related to shoving tortillas down your throat.
Motherfucking sonic youth is coming to the cains ballroom in tulsa. best venue ever. best band ever (almost). I am totally stoked and amused. I'm going to be giggling until june 21st.