Hooray for food!
Hooray for chris by making an acceptible avenue for this post. After reading about lardo I was thinking of all the great food he was probobly eating. Mexico, in my opinion, has the fucking best street food in the world, or at least of the the places I frequent. Peru is okay with the civeche, and spain isnt bad, lots of seafood, but nowhere i've been beats mexico, specifically central mexico. For the record holland is the fucking worst.
Okay so when I travel I eat mostly street food, because I love it and thats what everyone else eats. If you're with me and you want to go to fucking mcdonalds I WILL SLIT YOUR IGNORANT THROAT. alright.. lets get going!

Ok, so this is the only picture I could get of what is the best hotdog on earth. Mexicans LOVE hotdogs, a really popular street food is a guy with a pile of french fries (raw) and split open hotdogs. When you order they take a handful of each and throw it in hot boiling oil. Viola, fried hotdogs and taters, gross. At dance clubs and other more wealthy bars, they bring you a bowl of raw cut up hot dogs, and fried corn wafers, this is a staple. A discusting staple. I've had far worse at far better places than this (pickeled/jellied fish with mayo on a stick) and there are more discusting things around, of course, but we're talking about food everyone eats all day. This lady is obviously in america somewhere pointed out by the sorortiy banner behind her. Not sure about the demand for "esquisito" dogs are there, but I suppose she knows what she's doing. In mexico, generally, these carts are everywhere, and more prevelant at night. The carts are more fancy, and larger usually. These things... man.. you get two for 10 peso's and its worth every cent. Bacon wrapped hot dogs with grilled jalapenos and onions. It just doesnt get better than this, hot dog wise. Some people like mayo on them, its okay, but sin mayonesa is my preferance.

Ahh Torta Ahogada. My good mexican buddy, juan, would always call for "fucked up tortas time" after the bar. These only exist in guadalajara because of the bread needed. The bread can only be made at a certain altitude, which is somewhere around 6000 feet, and thats guadalajaras altitude.. so... good. There are two variations, both in a red chile/tomato sauce. One they call sweet, but its not really, just lightly sweet, and the other hot. They take the bolillo (bread) fill it with fried port, usually cold, and dunk the entire thing in your preference of sauce. Its fucking magnificent. This is one of the most traditional foods you can eat south of the boarder, even moreso than the burrito, which I dont ever see.. actually.. lets go on.
I cant find pictures of these chicken stands that are everywhere, but I'll describe them to you. Just go to the most busy, if all the locals eat there, then most likely its the best (unless its in some horrible place where people have no tastebuds, like the scan countries). These places have huge roasters, with whole chickens turning and dripping fat and goodness on potatoes that are roasting below, underneath the chicken. You get 1/4th a chicken, a baggie of salsa, a handful of rad potatoes, and a few taquitos made with the extra chicken they have, and a pile of tortillas for about 3 US dollars. its the fucking shit. Pretty healthy and filling, I eat this every other day, just the best.
Ok, so this is what you drink all day, besides tequila and beer. Aguas Frescas just means fresh cold water in spanish and is the best kool-aid type drink you'll ever swallow. The red (jamaica) and white (horchata) are the most popular. The horchata is made from rice, and has a hint of cinnamon. The Jamaica is made from the roselle plant, tastes like a cherryish fruit punch. It usually comes in a sandwich baggy with a straw, and is super awesome.
There are odd stands that have skinned sweet potatoes that are sitting in the sun, and for some reason always have shitloads of flys all over them. avoid this. actually, I dont think you'll even be tempted by it. so.. nevermind.
There are many pastries, like gorditas, sweet little pancakes, and other things that are rad. Of course there are taco stands everywhere that rule, but we have those in america. Tortas are underrated.. I may do a post on french street food, its a close second, real close. extra almost tied. but the weather and women in mexico make it better. Guadalajara is about 75 all year with about two days of rain anually. I'll post about french street food next time..

Ok, so this is the only picture I could get of what is the best hotdog on earth. Mexicans LOVE hotdogs, a really popular street food is a guy with a pile of french fries (raw) and split open hotdogs. When you order they take a handful of each and throw it in hot boiling oil. Viola, fried hotdogs and taters, gross. At dance clubs and other more wealthy bars, they bring you a bowl of raw cut up hot dogs, and fried corn wafers, this is a staple. A discusting staple. I've had far worse at far better places than this (pickeled/jellied fish with mayo on a stick) and there are more discusting things around, of course, but we're talking about food everyone eats all day. This lady is obviously in america somewhere pointed out by the sorortiy banner behind her. Not sure about the demand for "esquisito" dogs are there, but I suppose she knows what she's doing. In mexico, generally, these carts are everywhere, and more prevelant at night. The carts are more fancy, and larger usually. These things... man.. you get two for 10 peso's and its worth every cent. Bacon wrapped hot dogs with grilled jalapenos and onions. It just doesnt get better than this, hot dog wise. Some people like mayo on them, its okay, but sin mayonesa is my preferance.

Ahh Torta Ahogada. My good mexican buddy, juan, would always call for "fucked up tortas time" after the bar. These only exist in guadalajara because of the bread needed. The bread can only be made at a certain altitude, which is somewhere around 6000 feet, and thats guadalajaras altitude.. so... good. There are two variations, both in a red chile/tomato sauce. One they call sweet, but its not really, just lightly sweet, and the other hot. They take the bolillo (bread) fill it with fried port, usually cold, and dunk the entire thing in your preference of sauce. Its fucking magnificent. This is one of the most traditional foods you can eat south of the boarder, even moreso than the burrito, which I dont ever see.. actually.. lets go on.
I cant find pictures of these chicken stands that are everywhere, but I'll describe them to you. Just go to the most busy, if all the locals eat there, then most likely its the best (unless its in some horrible place where people have no tastebuds, like the scan countries). These places have huge roasters, with whole chickens turning and dripping fat and goodness on potatoes that are roasting below, underneath the chicken. You get 1/4th a chicken, a baggie of salsa, a handful of rad potatoes, and a few taquitos made with the extra chicken they have, and a pile of tortillas for about 3 US dollars. its the fucking shit. Pretty healthy and filling, I eat this every other day, just the best.

There are odd stands that have skinned sweet potatoes that are sitting in the sun, and for some reason always have shitloads of flys all over them. avoid this. actually, I dont think you'll even be tempted by it. so.. nevermind.
There are many pastries, like gorditas, sweet little pancakes, and other things that are rad. Of course there are taco stands everywhere that rule, but we have those in america. Tortas are underrated.. I may do a post on french street food, its a close second, real close. extra almost tied. but the weather and women in mexico make it better. Guadalajara is about 75 all year with about two days of rain anually. I'll post about french street food next time..
amen to holland being the "fucking worst". i remember eating a lot of gummy smurfs while i was there, though. those dutch love their smurfs.
yeah.. rotterdam had these hotdogs sans bun, in a paper tray, with mayo, pickle, and like this fish jelly. People were lined up for this shit. horrid. I'll make a post of all the pics I have from different countries and their food... once a week. thats seems like enough time for everyone to digest the narrative.
youve inspired me to do a McDonalds around the world post now.
Anyway, while eating food from street vendors in third world countries can be exciting, I suspect you've conciously (and thankfully for us) skipped over any 'el bano' stories as a result.
Actually, my turd were more firm, and log like than they are in the states. must be the tiny amount of water consumed overseas. those fuckers are arrid!
but i just love the enthusiastic staff at chilis. please don't slit my throat...
ah, food vendors in 3rd world countries, that brings back memories. i remember buying some sort of smoked sausage of the side of the road in the middle of nowhere in Zambia, good times...
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