easily amused

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Amused poll: 2 lbs of gravy mix or 6 lb can of veg-all?

so cvr's brother is graduating from high school this weekend, and we're having trouble deciding on a gift. please help us. which is funnier:

1) a 6 lb can of mixed vegetables (veg-all). i think its sorta funny because its this huge can, so people will be wondering what the hell it is, and you can make some kind of joke about eating healthy in college....yeah kinda weak, but remember the audience is various elderly oberst relatives.

2) a 2 lb bag (yes, bag) of gravy mix. its in the all white package that just says "gravy mix" in red, which is pretty funny. also, the card options are pretty good. con-gravy-ulations. happy gravy-duation. pure gold.

so tell us which you like better and why, we're leaning toward the gravy. oh, and don't worry, we also got him a dry erase board (a must) so all is not lost.


At 6:02 PM, Blogger cvr said...

i suggested "happy grave-uation gravuate"

At 6:57 PM, Blogger wildfreehorse said...

I actually find the gravy more funny. Yet considering the audience (of old people) I have to go with the Veg-All crap. The chuckles from a giant can of cut up carrots will be sure to go far with old people. jokes about the giant can size, eating healthy in college, blah blah blah I think will go further with the old crowd than a big bag of gravy.

buy the gravy though, and then make it. then do the whole 'surprize! you have hot gravy on you!' on allison when she comes home from work(or out of the shower-even better).

At 4:29 PM, Blogger S. Seikel said...

I think you should get him a huge can of that nacho cheese... and it could be Nachordinary graduate, or something they make them in the same huge can. and he can have a nacho party.

At 2:46 AM, Blogger kari said...

Honestly, either way you go, it's funny.

At 10:05 AM, Blogger cvr said...

the nacho idea is pretty damn funny. unfortunately, we left the giant can in norman, so it now functions as a mantle piece


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