easily amused

Sunday, August 13, 2006

this morning

I got retarded drunk last night, 8th day in a row.. my second to last ex is confusing me, and therefore frustrating steve.. anyway.. this is my roommate pete and I's convo regarding this morning.

(13:42:13) Seikel 10: why is your cousin here?
(13:42:19) Seikel 10: how is he getting to the house?
(13:57:39) +19189312311: My sister is dropping him off. He visits a few times a year.
(13:58:06) Seikel 10: is he going to get drunk?
(14:00:03) +19189312311: That should be a requirement to visit our house.
(14:01:48) Seikel 10: you'd have to move out
(14:06:10) +19189312311: Yep
(14:08:21) Seikel 10: i masterbated too much in the last 24 hours and now im sad
(14:08:37) Seikel 10: alll layin' in bed and shit, wank wank wank, wank wank wank,
(14:08:40) Seikel 10: wank wank wank
(14:09:30) +19189312311: Were you when I came in your room this morning? GROSS.
(14:09:51) Seikel 10: you came in my room?
(14:10:12) Seikel 10: was I nakie?
(14:17:10) +19189312311: nakie is the grossest word EVER. You had a blanket over most of you. ...except your weiner.
(14:17:50) Seikel 10: why were you peering in my room? was my weiner flacid/chub/halfhard/hard?
(14:20:31) +19189312311: It looked hard but was the size of a flacid weiner. I was confused.
(14:21:16) Seikel 10: lies. but I have been abusing the guy.. all make'n weiner gravy all fall down drunk, employing the principles of a dry session. but i'm done till my birthday, when I plan on gett'n him wet.
(14:22:51) +19189312311: ...I didn't really see your weiner. But GROSS.
(14:23:30) Seikel 10: jessica measured a 7.2' after gett'n him real buttered up, from the top, cheaters measure from the balls
(14:23:58) Seikel 10: geise has a huge weiner, all 10 inches and shit.. its like a fucking eggplant
(14:24:28) Seikel 10: gett'n ready for the worst game ever
(14:26:20) +19189312311: Our weiners are the same. Cept mine is bent to the left from chronic masturbation. Worst game?
(14:26:54) Seikel 10: WGE, you have to match the wang to the face, remember?
(14:28:03) +19189312311: I will have no part in that game.

I kinda grossed myself out re-reading this.. I should publish a book of my instant messages.. i'd read it.


At 12:49 PM, Blogger S. Seikel said...

oh, and petes cousin is this 12 year old adopted thai kid that smokes tons of pot. he's kinda annoying.


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