motherfucking george washington
Yeah.. so.. this is pretty badass if you've not seen it before.
big weird update soon.. dildos and shit.
Yeah.. so.. this is pretty badass if you've not seen it before.
I got retarded drunk last night, 8th day in a row.. my second to last ex is confusing me, and therefore frustrating steve.. anyway.. this is my roommate pete and I's convo regarding this morning.
just a brief thingy.. i want you guys to know I love achewood.. i have for a long time.. but I'm ready to let the world know. here's some supplemental material.
So i've been all busy and shit, and many adventures have been had.. too much for a blog. so here's just what I am doing at this very moment. So last night, a party formed at steves house, fun fun, drinking vodka perrier, listening to yacht rock, wearing captains hats. So we all get sauced and decide to go to the bar, hooray! bar. people that I thought didnt like me, decided to be real friendly to me.. but then i went to the bathroom and GONE everyones gone. so these dudes invite me back to a party, and i'm gonna ride with this girl.. who is kissing me on the neck and shit, and I really really dont want her to, she's anti-awesome. somehow people think its more appropriate to kiss someone on the neck than the cheek.. anyway, she fucking runs the fuck off, and i have to ride with this older indian dude.. weird. but I get to the party and its all 18 year old college freshmen, I show them how to bong beers, unsuccessfully hit on some girls. I talk to this black dude about religion and it goes really well, which never seems to happen, because I dont believe in god and the like, but we had a good talk. I walk to a friends house at 4 in the morning with that bong, eat her food and she drives me home, for some retarded reason I smoked pot and my roommate found me face down in the living room in my panties. i dont remember what happened between 4am and 7am.. not much i assume.