after this morning, rachael (pictured left) gets my vote. you see, today was the big nordstrom state of the company meeting. they flew in the chief administrative officer to inspire us (and by inspire i mean bore) and answer our pressing questions. most people had questions about our inventory system, new store openings, stuff like that. but oh no, not rachael. in case anyone hasn't picked up on it, our boss is a raving bitch, and does irrational stuff all the time. one example being firing rachael on no grounds whatsoever, then having to rehire her the next day since, you know, she fired her for no reason. and really, this is just one incident from a laundry list of offensive and unprofessional behavior. so when rachael stood up to ask a question, our manager's face flushed red immediately, and she started to repeat, "oh, god" under her breath over and over. rachael proceded to bust the company's balls for claiming to have an "open door" policy when that is not truly the case, then suggested that the employees should have an opportunity to rate their experience as an employee, and basically evaluate their superiors if i understood correctly. that pretty much says "i get treated like shit here and i want someone to know about it" without actually coming out and saying it. and in front of this way important guy from corporate! it was great. i commend rachael for a) bringing up a good point and standing up for the little guy, b) making christina look like a bad manager, c) scaring every manager in the room, including the store manager and the suit they sent from corporate. way to be bold and freak out the squares. brava, rachael, brava!