easily amused

Saturday, July 07, 2007


I like CVR's first post in a year was to come back and crash outraged.

Though no one forget about the cool blog.

Friday, June 29, 2007


Our hotel that was described as being "in the city center" in Caen turned out to be more on the north end of town. Consequently, the only place to eat dinner was this "Buffalo Grill". Apparently its this big American/cowboy & indian themed place. Its mostly a steakhouse type thing, the decor is loosely "Western" with bad indian art and pictures of Buffalo Bill, and you can also order "American Onion Rings" and most the menu either has "American" or some state like "Montana" in the title. What's more weird is they tend to build them (they had tv's showing other locations) in the old style of Stuckey's. You know the big A-frame buildings of the 50's and 60's.

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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Oh you Scots

In London I was called a "Colonist" by a vert drunk Scotsman. Accurate and funny at the same time.

I didn't realize how much of the trip hasn't been planned. Hopefully we can figure out the pesky issue of actually how to get to Edinburgh to Paris by 9pm tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

When to drink

So the situation is I'm in London (check out Team Khateer for other stuff on this).

If you forgot/don't know drinking culture in Europe is far different from how it is in America. The question you have in America is "where can i drink outside?", in Europe its more "where can't I drink outside?".

People stand outside the pubs drinking pints. I admit I don't totally understand pub/cafe culture in Europe (like ordering to go, etc.-it can get kinda complicated), but I do like the standing around in the street and drinking a glass of whatever and chatting.

So today me and Frank are walking around and we come to a sign that said something to the effect "Police might ask you to stop drinking in this area". It was kinda funny considering seeing people empty wine bottles while sitting on benches. Not the secretive public drinking you do in America, just slamming down 750ml of wine people watching. Unfortunately for the alcoholics, the fascists are now saying you might now able to possibly drink in some certain area. Maybe.

Its amusing.

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Monday, June 11, 2007

More Nicaragua

I would apologize for not posting in such a long time, but a few other members that will remain nameless are guilty of this sin several times more than I. In easily’s bumpy past, it seems we all take a collective sabbatical during the summer, and into the fall. Our spring stuff is pretty good quality though. We’re like lettuce (that's a gardening joke for anyone out there).

Anyway I went to Nicaragua. Its been a week since I got back, but its taken that long for the screams to die down from inside my head. Why screams you ask? I helped in the “la dentista”. In this dentist office nestled in the mountains, we do only one thing-pull teeth. If In-n-Out were a dentist office, this would be us. You can get anywhere from a single all the way to “everything”. So I guess our max would technically be around 32.

The first hour I was kinda queasy about holding the flashlight and starring at blood pooling as three molars were removed. After that though, I started to get over it. I started to get over everything. However rotten someone’s teeth were began to be a contest. Children screaming and fighting to escape? The last song I heard on the plane was Avril Lavigne’s Girlfriend, and most kids quit with a small amount of pressure on their hands and the seemingly magical word “tranquilo/a”. I was creating a new music video in my head for that spunky pop princess, one born in hell, but new none the less.

There was only one girl that successfully fought (three) of us off. She was 14, but at least somewhat retarded. Just trying to put the q-tip in her mouth sent her into full battle mode-which included bicycle kicking. Finally the translator asked her sister if he could just sit on her (mind you were trying to pull baby teeth that are still in and are going to further screw up the adult teeth). The sister says its fine, because she knows the small amount of pain and discomfort is going to in the end be worth it. The girl attempted to be worked on however, disagreed and totally FLIPPED when he tried to completely hold her down.

Unfortunately the people in the dentist office trade in blood and fear, but trade it for more happy and healthy mouths. Most people aren’t thinking of this when they’re around us. As a result we’re the least popular volunteers with the villagers.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

John Edwards for Pirate King! No wait... I meant President

I have Greco-Turko stories to tell, but I had to run immediately back up to Norman for important business. Re-establish relationships with friends, play croquet, blah blah blah. My dear garden I planted at my friends house turned out to need me more than I ever thought. Since Jumpy was gone on business for two weeks in New Orleans, Miyuki took on the task of...doing nothing. So the part that hadn't been planted turned into a lush alfalfa manure fertilized grassy knoll.

But anyway, this story is about how presidential hopeful John Edwards apparently has a stake in a treasure hunting company. Recently this company found a treasure of FIVE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS.

Why be president when you could start up a successful pirate empire in the Caribbean?
The most youthful, glowing pirate ever to sail the seas...

*since everyone thinks Jumpy & Miyuki are fake names anyway, they dont need a name change.

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Viva Las Vegas

This past weekend, I was in Las Vegas. I had never been there before, and was invited to a wedding for a friend from high school. So I flew out on Thursday, and the festivities started.

Thursday night was the bachelorette party, which was ridiculously expensive for not having any strippers. I'm just not used to spending a hundred bucks for dinner, call me cheap. Anyhoo, the evening consisted of dinner, drinks, and dancing. All good fun.

On Friday, there was a Texas Hold 'Em tournament for people invited to the wedding. All in all, I think 20 people participated in this event. And I beat each and every one of them, giving me a cool 300 bucks. The next night, I went to a poker room to see if I was still lucky. I bought $100 worth of chips and sat down at a table. Of course, every person was male, so they immediately looked at me and thought, "Here's some easy money." I was patient, and took them for $450.

Then on my way home, my flight got bumped and so I received a $400 travel voucher. So basically, I got paid to go on vacation, and paid for another flight. Maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket.

Oh yeah, the wedding was nice too.