but its HD!
So one of my roommates last week went out and bought a sweeeeeeet 42" LCD HDTV. He generously placed it above the fireplace in the living room. I immediately thought "doing yoga is going to be more sweet than ever!"
What I did not count on though, is that both my roommates are complete and unapologetic HD whores. You see, previously Ive never seen any of them watch a animal doc, never.
But now, since we have an HD tv, and the new digital cable box where you have HD channels they just watch them. ALL. THE. F'ING. TIME.
What's ridiculous is they watch DiscoveryHD purely because its HD, as if the channel might go away if they leave the room. My recorded episodes of Namaste Yoga go unwatched as there isnt a time I actually can ever watch them.
Labels: consumerism, HDtv, my roommates are retarded
Dumb, I agree. But take the HD craze to its logical extreme. It'll be funny when they start going to watch dog surgeries in real life.
But you know that if we had HD back in the day, Berry would have never relinquished control of the TV. In fact, I think he would have put the TV on Discovery Wings and crazy-glued the remote buttons.
I actually meant to mention how this activity totally reminds me of Berry's obsessive (almost religious) watching of Discovery Wings, except I dont either one will be able to recite anything they see. I honestly can't tell really any difference. Certainly any such improvement doesnt justify watching exclusively the some 13 HD channels.
I need to start writing down qoutes they say while watching it, here's one from last night:
"Now that's starfish in HD!"
And on another note, yoga isnt for girls if thats what anyone is thinking. Its for ninja's, or being able to survive horrible car crashes.
Which brings me to a more serious point, a week or so ago my preacher in Tahlequah actually saw a wreck happen outside the same casino I had mine at. He's apparently haunted by not being able to rescue the 2 people that died and their car caught fire. Everyone should seriously consider getting something like this, http://www.lifehammer.com/ . If not for your own safety, possibly saving someone else.
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