easily amused

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Fake Stroke

So the last month or so I've been preoccupied with my stepfather having a stroke. Yeah, It happened all sudden one day. He couldn't speak or write so well, but everything else was okay. He could still think well, didn't have saggy face, he could only not speak and not write so well. So, the day this happened my mom took him to the hospital. He was there for 4 days. No one could really figure out what had gone on, except that he most likely had a stroke. After 4 days and tons of tests insurance didn't cover, he was released. My mom quit work, he started speech therapy.

This morning my mother received a phone call... from my stepfather. He could speak. Like, 90 percent as well as he had done before the "stroke". He lost his ability to type also... so communicating anything at all was super difficult. But his mental ability was unfettered. He had been researching the symptoms he had been feeling.. and found that there are a few side effects to the pills he takes, Plavix and Ambien. So, last night, he just didn't take his pills... and now he can talk and write and type again. Over 15,000 dollars in tests, consulting the doctor that prescribed the pills, everything, no one even thought it was his medication. The medication even has a warning that it may have this effect. And we suppose the combination made it ultra bad.

So have you heard of this ever happening WFH? Its totally confusing to us. Telling everyone he had suffered from a stroke.. his father even came to town a few days ago to see him. Now he's just better? from not taking his meds. insane. So I guess my mom is building a case against the doctor, and whomever else she can. At least for money to cover the stupid tests that they ran... Its really really strange. Its like.. all the sudden he's back to normal.. in a day. wtf indeed.



At 9:36 AM, Blogger wildfreehorse said...

I'll have to ask my dad more about it to get a better answer. Off hand I can't think of (or remember) hearing anything like this. It sounds like the doctor was being lazy at best.

I'm also glad I saved my routine chastisement of non-bloggers. SB, youre off the hook, the females however, arent pulling their weight.

At 12:41 PM, Blogger S. Seikel said...

I've been busy with this lately.. man, he went through crazy withdrawals last night.. and now he can speak and write perfect.. he said its like he just came out of a coma.. he doesnt remember 1/2 of last month. Of course the doctor just said its not the ambien, its just a miracle. Psh.. neko case in okc this weekend.


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