easily amused

Saturday, January 06, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

So what's Team Easily's resolutions? I thought I would share mine, in the interest of everyone else sharing theirs:

1. Realize the plans I'm making for critical agriculture/development are poorly planned mistakes before tens of millions of my countrymen starve to death clawing at the burned ground. Actually, quit job as dictator of poor island and leave alive.

2. Be less of such a slut.

3. Return to one of my first true loves. Violently persecuting Roman Catholics.


At 12:00 PM, Blogger S. Seikel said...

my resolution is to somehow steal food out of the delivery trucks that unload in the morning at the school in my back yard; also to have lunch with chris. I will be preparing food tonight, in a light sautee or in a hot pot of liquid. we shall see.

At 7:50 AM, Blogger kari said...

I think I need to have your #2 as my New Years resolution. But then, I think to myself, why? And then I remember, I've slept with half the lesbian population in Indianapolis...

At 7:34 PM, Blogger wildfreehorse said...

I guess Im pessimistic...the way I see it, you haven't slept with half the lesbian population of Indianapolis...

At 10:17 AM, Blogger kari said...

You know what, I guess you're right. There are still some out there...


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