easily amused

Monday, April 02, 2007

Bad Timing...Probably

So Argentina is still whining about the Falkland's. They may have not been reading the news, concerning Britain is a little preoccupied with a hostage situation in Iran. What Argentina might not count on is the U.K. blowing off some steam and practice airstrikes on the insolent crybabies.

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At 12:42 AM, Blogger S. Seikel said...

Argentina is a great country. It was america jr. for most of this century with many many natural resources. Oil being one. And tons of natural gas. Its a great place. The economy collapsed in 2001, but everyone I met was pretty conservative and republican (most of the population hates eva peron)

The british stopped all imports to the country for a long long time. Including music. This did manufacture lots of local tunes.. they basically only listen to argentine music.

The Falkland's suck. No one lives there.. they just want the oil. Boners to Iran. Where are the bureaucrats to take care of this shit?


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