easily amused

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I am funny, but bad at writing jokes, says friends.

Its true. I finally accept that my jokes suck. I am much better at falling into dumb situations and making fun of people. I promise to post current events in the next day or so, which includes a night when the power went out while a party was being held, and the entire house sounded like boots stuck in mud. ew.

Joke One:

A man walks into a bar, and says, "Bartender! Give me one on the rocks!" So the bartender gently plants a kiss on the mans soft testicles.

Joke Two:

A transvestite saunters into a bar, and asks, "Hey! Can you make me a bloody mary?" So the bartender breaks his nose. The bartender is a good irishman who does not appreciate nonsense.

So i'm bad at it i guess.. I'm pretty good at one liners.. but not jokes.. horrible true tales of recent events soon. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon. (__*__)


At 8:56 PM, Blogger wildfreehorse said...

wow! i guess you cant tell jokes, but I can make money! sweet!

but steve, not everyone can tell jokes. not everyone can be a ninja. and not everyone can be a giant asshole. but we each find our own thing.

At 8:00 AM, Blogger S. Seikel said...

that "askinstoo" needs to look again. There are PLENTY of ways to earn money on thie blog. well, maybe not "earn" it.

At 4:30 PM, Blogger wildfreehorse said...

you know, i saw a dateline thing about sloth in america. they interviewed the d-bag thats gone to college for 13 years. for little clips between parts of the interview they had scenes of him and his friends doing retarded, obviously scripted stuff. im sure dateline was like, "id be great if you had a party during the day so we could see how much fun and wild you still are"

but anyway, he actually has a website and an agent. so he makes money on being worthless. if tucker max can make money and publish books on him being an asshole and a whore, then I dont know why you couldnt either. that is, if you dont go to jail for sending people pics of your armor that never asked for them in the first place.

At 5:48 PM, Blogger wildfreehorse said...

heres the sites:



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