CM stays on top of 'cool' causes
July, 01: While flipping through his newly purchased and much loved issue of Foreign Policy Journal cm noticed something in the back, a new cuase. "It was something about Uganda, and it had one of those blown up qoute boxes saying how everyone is talking about Darfur, but not Uganda. Right then, I knew I had something."
Upset that at the University of Oklahoma a large student group formed for Sudan, cm has reportedly been looking for the next new thing. "He always talked about Darfur this, black people that." said friend Todd, "then it was all over the news, and he was saying how it went all corporate and self-out and crap." CM's capstone teacher, Dr. Grillot noted in an interview, "He always enjoyed finding out about the next new thing. But once it became more widely reported and gained more attention he would always lose interest. I don't want to accuse him of anything, but he seems like those indy music snobs, except with international incidents."
After turning the page of his journal, cm revealed he hadn't actually read the entire story, but was sure it was far more cooler than landless peasants in Brazil.
is this the petronomics oen? thats the last issue I have..
Also, I just returned from my journey, and I need to know what the hell cm is doing. because.. well, he's very an important part of my life. (__*__)
nope, the cover is about a yes/no over if the Israeli lobby has too much power in Washington. its mostly light blue in color.
this coming monday ill be leaving for 2 weeks.
hey, my phone got carried into water by my dog. said phone can not swim. death.
hopefully the sim card still works
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