Sanctity of Marriage
Let's make sure we are preserving the sanctity of marriage the way our president wants; between a man and a woman. But just in case that sanctity doesn't work out, you can buy yourself a Simplified Divorce Kit from It's only $12.97! So, as long as you get married the correct way, god and George Bush will still love you. But, if it doesn't work out, your divorce will cost you the same amount as your 30 pack of Miller High Life.
actually i would kill if high life was that cheap. i think its at least sixteen bucks in texas.
yeah, where are you buying beer? 30 packs of stones are $13.99 most places ive seen in OK
(in old grandpa-y voice) I remember a time when you could get a 30 pack of high life for 9.99.
yeah.. fuck beer, go bum wine style. cisco is fucking liquid crack
You know, living in Indiana doesn't have a lot of perks, but I guess the price of beer is one of them. 30 pack of Stones is usually 10.99, 30 pack of High Life is 11.99, 30 Pack of Old Style is 11.99, a case of bottles of SouthPaw Light is around 9.99. Go Indiana!
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